Sunday, February 19, 2012

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I met a friend for coffee other day and in our discussion she asked, “Where do you see your self in 5 years?”

Ouch! It’s the question that flogs me over the head and I cringe. It makes me feel quite inept, almost like a 5th grader who is asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up up?” I always fumble a bit while 300 wild dreams zip through my mind, then sputter out a whiney, “I don’t know.” (Seriously, besides questions about the stock market, its the one thing that makes me feel like I’m not really a grown-up yet.

Do I need to have this vision sorted out already?
The short answer is - yes.

Now, I don’t thing this is the answer for everyone, but that day I discovered it’s the right answer for me. Want to know why? Hit the rewind back to the moment after someone asks me the question...what was that zipping through my mind...that’s right, 300 wild dreams.

Soooo, they are in there after all. Floating around, waiting for something to anchor onto.
Humph. Now what am I going to do about that?

I suppose acknowledging they are there is the first step to recovery. So, in no apparent order, here are two things I might be doing in five years:

  • Having won millions on the lotto, I’ve moved to California and am living in a great little house on the beach. Every morning I wake up, walk next to the water and spend the rest of my time writing, visiting school, meeting with teachers and doing a bit of teaching at Pepperdine or USC (where my dad went to school). I’s spend my evenings and weekends with my family (eating, talking, crafting and relaxing) and finding ways to use my talents to better my community.
  • I’m not sure where I’ll be residing or what my specific job is, but overall, my talents and insights are being put to great use in the revolution of education our children and teaches so desperately need and deserve. Hopefully, this would include writing, working with students, teachers and administrators, and inspiring other to ditch wasteful educational policies, enrich the lives of learners and help educators to continue learning themselves. I’ll work my tail off in my career, but have the ability to create balance in my life; understanding the most important part of my being is family and living accordingly. As much as I adore teaching kindergarten, I can see I need to be doing more and I’m ready to make that leap. This could include something on the side or jumping into a whole new endeavor.

While these two plans are quite different (one being more realistic than the other), they have some commonalities: family, writing, helping others, changing public education.

There! I’ve got that out in the open.
I suppose the next step would be a plan of action.

Oh dear.
I think I’m going to need another cup of coffee for that one.

To be continued... 

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