I'd say one of the many deciding factors that led us to move to California was in answering this question. We realized that each time we thought of this question, our first answer was always, "We'd move to California."
I must admit that, like people say about making the decision to have children, we never felt financially ready to move to one of the most expensive states to live in, but what the hey, you only live once.
So we're here. How about that?
I'm still not used to it. Sometimes I feel like I'm just teaching summer school and when this temp job is over, I'll head back over to Lakeside. It's bizarre. Maybe I'm still holding on to the past a bit. It's so hard to admit/realize that my time teaching with TK is through, my nights of GNO are no more and my Sunday brunches with R&W have flittered away from me.
But here we are...the air has turned cooler and we've had two day of California rain (what we would call drizzling in Texas)...its December and folks are putting up lights on their houses. So I think the reality of my new space is coming through...slowly.
You should also know that while we've achieved our goal of moving to California, I still have other things on the list of dreams for when we win the lottery.
What's on your lottery wish list?