Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sick Day

I only wish I was home faking it. :-(
Don’t you wish some days you could feel as carefree about missing school as you did as a teenager. All I can think about today is the parent conference (I am not prepared for) tomorrow, the assessments reports that are also due and the last bit of report card prep that is hanging over my head.
Oh well, back to bed for me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Words from this Week

Today, as I was reading with a child-
Me: You did a great job reading that book.
Child: Yeah, reading is my first best thing.
Me: That's good.
Child: No, wait! Reading is my second best thing.
Me: Oh, what is your first?
Child: Playing Wii.

Testing computer vocabulary in the lab-
Me: What do you call this part of the computer (pointing to the monitor)?
Child: Ther-monitor?

This happened to another K teacher in my town this week-
Child to Teacher: We really liked that prostitute yesterday.
Teacher: Excuse me?
Child: That prostitute lady. You know, the lady that teached us when you were absent? She was really nice.